Ja tervetuloa Espanja-blogin pariin. Olen siis 19-vuotias opiskelija, ja valmistun joulukuussa vastaanottovirkailijaksi sekä matkaoppaaksi. Takana lukio, mutta nyt opiskelen ammatillisessa valmistumiseen asti. Nyt vuorossa siis matkaoppaan opinnot, jotka suoritan Espanjassa! Kaksi kuukautta kestävä koulutus tapahtuu Fuengirolassa, joka on ennalta itselleni tuntematon. Espanja muutoin on aiemmilta reissuilta tuttu. Suuren suomalaismäärän takia Fuge on jäänyt väliin ennen, mutta hienoa päästä näkemään tämäkin osa Espanjaa. Tänne blogiin päivitän siis matkan varrelta kuulumisia ja Espanjaan liittyviä asioita.
Tällä hetkellä lähtöön on reilu kuukausi, ja fiilikset vaihtelevat yhtä nopeasti kuin Suomen sää. Jännittää, pelottaa, en malttaisi odottaa. Tuntuu että en ole valmistautunut tarpeeksi, mutta toisaalta tuntuu etten edes tiedä mitä odottaa. Kuukaudet tulevat olemaan intensiivisiä, ja täynnä uutta opittavaa. Uskon niiden kuitenkin antavan yhtä paljon kuin ottavan, ellei enemmän. Päällimmäisinä mielessä ovat itsenäistyminen, uuden kielen oppiminen sekä kultaakin kalliimman kokemuksen karttuminen. Unelma matkaoppaan ammatista motivoi ja saa tämänkin pelkurin odottamaan innolla tulevaa.
Matka alkakoon!
It's Aino, indroducing me and my new blog! First, let's start from who I am. I'm 19-years old and studying to be a receptionist and now also a travel guide. I have a upper secondary school- background, but right now I'm in vocational school. I'm planning on graduating this December, but don't ask me what's coming after that because I haven't planned things that far. I'm from Finland, but my next destination is going to be Spain! Which is the point of all this rambling.
So I'm leaving for two months to be a travel guide, and the training takes place in Fuengirola, Spain. I've been to Spain many times, but since I am more of a backpack - kind of traveller who seeks new places and people, I have skipped this part of Spain due to the huge amount of Finns. Did you know that there are over 25000 Finns just in Fuengirola? It all started in the 60's when a Finnish entrepreneur started building a resort there. Now thousands of Finns travel there to escape the cold winter, or just Finland in general. But Spain fascinates me as a traveller. The laid-back atmosphere and the caring of elderly is something we could really learn from. But I'll be posting all kinds of thing related to my training and my time in Spain in general in here.
Usually internships abroad are a bit longer than just 2 months, but this one is something else. We get our training in practise, so we learn by doing. Obviously there are some classes too where my job is just to sit and listen. Being only 2 months, the training is intensive and needs focusing, motivation and hard work. But it also makes you more independent, gives you great experience and you might just learn more about yourself. Skills you didn't know you had or things you didn't know you were capable of. These are also the reasons I'm taking this training abroad. I'm also looking forward to gaining some courage and learning to survive on my own away from everything I'm used to.
Now, I have to be honest about something. I'm terrified to leave. I've been planning doing my education abroad for years, but haven't been able to actually execute any of my plans since "I haven't had the time". The reality is that I haven't been brave enough to actually leave. But why is this time different? Since I was small and travelled around the world with my family, I always admired the travel guides and flight attendants during the trips. Their smile and sunny attitude always boosted my mood and made my trip better. They were helpful and made me feel safe. After I grew up and started thinking what I wanted to do for a living, I couldn't help but think about the travel guides and flight attendants who clearly enjoyed their job. I've always loved learning and speaking different languages, so my future job was kind of given. So even though I'm afraid to leave, my motivation and inspiration is to do what I always deep down wanted to do. To become a travel guide, that's my inspiration.
So if you are interested in travelling, Spain in general or being a travel guide this blog might be for you. Join me in this adventure, since I'm probably too much of a coward to be on this trip on my own.
Let the adventure begin!
Siitä tulee hieno matka ja jakso sun elämässä! Nauti siis jo lähtötunnelmista, jos vaan pystyt!